Ausgewählte Referenzen
- H.-P. Gänser, A. Leitgeb, K. Glinsner, W. Eichlseder: Computation of a modified Haigh-Goodman diagram for damage tolerant design for infinite fatigue life. Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs Part C, J. Mech. Engng Sci. 221 (2007) 619-623
- H. Maderbacher, B. Oberwinkler, H.-P. Gänser, W. Tan, M. Rollett, M. Stoschka: The influence of microstructure and operating temperature on the fatigue endurance of hot forged Inconel® 718 components. Mat. Sci. Engng A 585 (2013) 123-131
- J. Maierhofer, R. Pippan, H.-P. Gänser: Modified NASGRO equation for physically short cracks. Int. J. Fatigue 59 (2014) 200-207
- J. Maierhofer, H.-P. Gänser, R. Pippan: Modified Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram accounting for finite notch depths. International Journal of Fatigue 70 (2015) 503-509
- J. Maierhofer, R. Pippan, H.-P. Gänser: Modified NASGRO Equation for Short Cracks and Application to the Fitness-for-purpose Assessment of Surface-treated Components. Procedia Materials Science 3 (2014) 930-935
- H.-P. Gänser, J. Maierhofer, R. Tichy, I. Zivkovic, R. Pippan, M. Luke, I. Varfolomeev: Damage tolerance of railway axles – The issue of transferability revisited. International Journal of Fatigue 86 (2016) 52-57
- U. Zerbst, M. Vormwald, R. Pippan, H.-P. Gänser, C. Sarrazin-Baudoux, M. Madia: About the fatigue crack propagation threshold of metals as a design criterion – a review. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 153 (2016) 190-243
- S. Kolitsch, H.-P. Gänser, J. Maierhofer, R. Pippan: Fatigue crack growth threshold as a design criterion – statistical scatter and load ratio in the Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram. International Conference on Materials, Processing and Product Engineering 2015 (MPPE 2015). IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 119 (2016) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/119/1/012015
- H.-P. Gänser, J. Maierhofer, T. Christiner: Statistical correction for reinserted runouts in fatigue testing. International Journal of Fatigue 80 (2015) 76–80