- Universal testing machine Zwick Z250 (250 kN) for tensile, compression and bending tests with precision extensometers
- Universal testing machine Zwick Z250 (150 kN) with high temperature furnace up to 900°C equipped with high temperature extensometer
- Hydropulser Instron 8803 (250 kN) with integrated vacuum chamber and inductive sample heating up to 1500°C (vacuum, inert gas, air) equipped with high-resolution contact-free strain measurement (Fiedler laserextensometer P50)
- Hydropulser Instron 8802 (160 kN) with integrated temperature chamber (-150°C to 600°C) equipped with high resolution strain measurement (Fiedler laserextensometer P50)
- Multi-axis-hydropulser Instron 8854 (250 kN/2000 Nm) with integrated inductive heating and pressurised air cooling (up to approx. 1200°C) equipped with high resolution strain measurement (Fiedler laserextensometer P50)
- Resonant testing machine Russenberger RUMUL Testtronic 100 / 150 incl. high temperature furnace (up to 900°C) (3 machines)
- Resonant testing machine Russenberger RUMUL Mikrotron (20 kN)
- Instrumented pendulum impact testing machine from Zwick*
- Potential probes (AC and DC) from Matelect and self-construction for crack length measurements in fracture mechanics experiments
* in cooperation with our scientific partners