Damage in Multi-Material Composites
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Thermal Management
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Simulation Enabled Materials Characterization
- E. Grünwald, J. Rosc, R. Hammer, P. Czurratis, M. Koch, J. Kraft, F Schrank, R. Brunner, Automatized failure analysis of tungsten coated TSVs via scanning acoustic microscopy, Microelectronics Reliability (2016)
- E. Grünwald, R. Hammer, J. Rosc, G. A. Maier, M. Bärnthaler, M. J. Cordill, S. Brand, R. Nuster, T. Krivec, R Brunner, Advanced 3D Failure Characterization in Multi-Layered PCBs, NDT&E International 84 (2016) 99-107
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- M. Deluca, R. Hammer, J. Keckes, J. Kraft, F. Schrank, J.Todt , O. Robach , J-S. Micha, S. Defregger, Integrated experimental and computational approach for residual stress investigation near through-silicon vias, submitted to Journal of Applied Physics (2016)
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